Friday, January 1, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We enjoyed celebrating Evelyn's first Christmas with my family in St. Charles. She wasn't too taken with the decorations or the gifts, but she sure loved being around Grandma and Grandpa and her aunts, uncles and cousins.

She could pass for Mrs. Clause with those cheeks!

Grandma and her littlest elf

Evelyn had a good time watching everyone decorate cookies at Aunt Jessica's house. Here she is thoroughly enjoying the spatula that cousins Emma and Taylor gave her to lick.

MarcE and Madeline caught in the act...

We were thankful for the opportunity to get together with friends over the break! Here we are with new Mommy, Allison, and baby Caleb and soon-to-be Mommy, Sarah. So good to see you, Ladies!

Evelyn wasn't too interested in opening presents, but she sure loved climbing around in them. When she did open a present, it was only long enough to pull off a little piece of paper to put in her mouth.

Sophia, Evelyn and Madeline looking too cute in their matching Christmas PJs

Rudolph, I mean Cousin Ian, warming up in his new MU snuggie after a long night of pulling Santa's sleigh

Do not be fooled - the big red 'N' does not stand for 'Nebraska', it stands for 'NERD'!!!!

On that note...We hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and a blessed celebration of our Lord's birth!

1 comment:

  1. It obviously stands for Nerd, because a cool person would never ever put a huge red "N" on their house. Ridiculous Tim......:)
