Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baby Bump

Here's Julie at 25 weeks.

Note: Picture taken after all-you-can-eat fried chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, and rolls. You should have seen Tim, he looked at least 30 weeks.


  1. Since I was the first follower, I'd like to make a request: a picture of Julie and Tim after a trip to the Chinese Buffet.

  2. Hey Julie and Tim! Krista and Cherryl told us about your blog so we thought we'd keep up on the baby news. We have a blog for our adoption too. It's nice to keep in touch.

  3. I love the belly!!! I'm so excited for you guys. :)

  4. Hey Julie!
    Sorry I'm just responding....I didn't notice I had a comment. Hope you and Tim are doing well and things are going good with the pregnancy. It is an exciting and amazing experience!! I guess we will see you in a couple of weeks at the shower.
