Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baptized into God's Family

Naomi was baptized Sunday, September 4, by Grandpa Schroeder, who also led the worship service at our church. We had a wonderful weekend with both of our families in town. Grandma Schroeder made Naomi's beautiful gown and the blanket she is pictured on. Such labors of love!


The Helvey family

The Schroeders

Naomi's sponsors are Uncle Mark and Aunt Sara and Uncle Rob and Aunt Jodi

Snuggling with her Godfather

Sweet baby

Sam mimicing Uncle Devin

Naomi loved being held by Addison and all her cousins. Addie made the hat Naomi is wearing - another labor of love!

"Hi, Ethan!"

Nomers and Zech

Naomi loves the football hold!

Naomi meeting her Godmother for the first time

Hanging with Uncle Chris and Annamarie


She loves her baths!!

One of her favorite spots!

Naomi is growing! She is becoming more alert, and much to our delight, she has grinned at us a couple times. So sweet! She recently had her one month appointment. The doctor says she is thriving. She weighed in at 9 pounds, 15 ounces(75th percentile!) and is 20 3/4 inches in length(25-50th percentile). Her cheeks are really filling out and she's starting to develop cute little leg rolls. We laugh because her stats are opposite of Evelyn's at that age.

The picture above is Evelyn at the one-month mark. Looks like I did a much better job of incorporating props into the pictures first time around! :) We didn't think the girls resembled one another until we started looking at Evelyn's baby pictures. They are built differently and Naomi has more and darker hair than Evelyn did at this age, but some of the expressions Naomi makes are identical to Evelyn's. We look forward to watching Naomi's personality develop!

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