Saturday, October 31, 2009

Six Months Old

Evelyn is now six months and one week old! She weighed in at 15# 15oz. and 26 in. at her appointment. As we watch her roll all around and listen to her coos, squeals and giggles, we marvel at how much she has changed in these six short months.

My procrastination in writing this post has actually paid off. . . Had I written this on her six month birthday, I would not have been able to report two milestones she has since reached. The first, although minor, is very exciting for Mommy and Daddy: Evelyn will now eat her rice cereal. This morning marked the first time she finished more than a couple bites. She actually opened her mouth in anticipation of the next bite. Tomorrow may be a different story, but there was much celebrating this morning. Now if we can get her to take a bottle or sippy cup. . . Second milestone: Evelyn's sweet smile will now showcase two bottom teeth that have broken through! I was feeling her gums yesterday, when lo and behold, I felt something down there. I was very surprised, and of course, excited, about the discovery.

Evelyn with friend Claire

Too sweet

Turns out her favorite toys are plastic cups and bowls - great for the budget!

Forget the rice cereal, I WANT THAT BRATWURST!

Evie and friend Robby at playgroup

I just couldn't resist getting a picture of that cute little bottom

A Fall trip to St. Charles

We recently took a trip to St. Charles to see my family and attend an annual bonfire/hayride. Very cold temps kept us from spending much time at the bonfire, but Evie was able to briefly meet some relatives on my Mom's side of the family. The trip was short, but very enjoyable!

Evelyn and Madeline getting reacquainted.

We were thankful for the opportunity to see both Emma and Taylor play volleyball while we were home. Here's Emma showing us her good form.

Evie and Taylor

Evie having a good time with Great-Grandpa at the bonfire

Great-Aunt Nancy helping to keep Evie warm

Madi went and sat right next to Uncle Tim, unprompted. So sweet.

Evie and Grandma

Evie and Aunt Jessica

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Murray State Homecoming Parade

Our little Racer fan getting ready to go to her first parade

Evie lovin' the parade!!

Evie asked us why she couldn't walk with the girls who were dressed like her.

Future Cardinals bat girl

Evie made better use of her bat than the Cardinals players made of theirs Saturday night!

Thanks for a great season, Cardinals!

A Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Schroeder

We were so excited to have Grandma and Grandpa visit us this past week! It was so much fun watching Evie share smiles with them. When Evie spotted them first thing in the morning, she would grin from ear to ear. It was as if she was saying, "Yeah, you're still here!"

Evie tried really hard to cheer those Cards on to a victory!

Grandma had made this poncho for Aunt Sara when Aunt Sara was a little girl. It fits Evie perfectly!

Five Months Old

Our little girl is no longer an impartial observer of Mommy and Daddy; she now makes her presence known! She is grabbing anything within reach, exercising her lungs by cooing and giggling, and as of this very evening, rolling from back to tummy(still can't seem to get tummy to back down)! She's getting a little better with the rice cereal, but we still have a ways to go in that department.
Daddy finally convinced Mommy that it was time to move her from the pack-n-play in our bedroom to her crib. We made the transition last weekend. Mommy's still having a hard time with this, but Evie is sleeping like a champ in her own room!

Doesn't she look like such a big girl in her jeans?!

I am on an Early Childhood committee at our church that is looking into the possibility of starting a preschool. Yeah!!! We sponsored a Pancake breakfast a couple weeks ago to help raise funds. Here's Evie at the breakfast. I know, the bow is a little ridiculous.